10 things to do to prepare your home for your new Bernedoodle puppy

Congratulations on your decision to bring a bernedoodle puppy into your life! These intelligent and loyal companions make wonderful pets, but they do require some preparation and planning to ensure that your home is ready for their arrival. Here are 10 steps to help you prepare your home for a bernedoodle puppy:

  1. Create a designated "puppy area" in your home. This could be a crate or a small room with a gate to keep your Bernedoodle contained and safe when you can't supervise them.

  2. Puppy-proof your home. Look for potential hazards like electrical cords, toxic plants, and small objects that your puppy could swallow.

  3. Stock up on supplies. You'll need food and water dishes, a crate or carrier, a leash and collar, a bed, toys, and training treats.

  4. Purchase a crate and set it up in a quiet, comfortable area. A crate will give your puppy a sense of security and provide a place for them to rest and sleep.

  5. Gather some training essentials. A clicker, a long training leash, and some treats will be helpful for training your bernedoodle puppy.

  6. Consider installing a baby gate or fencing to keep your puppy contained in a specific area of your home.

  7. Plan out a potty training schedule and establish a designated outdoor potty area.

  8. Set up a grooming area. You'll need a grooming table, grooming tools, and a supply of grooming products to keep your bernedoodle puppy well-groomed and healthy.

  9. Create a safe, cozy sleeping area. A crate or a small dog bed in a quiet corner of your home will provide a comfortable place for your bernedoodle puppy to rest.

  10. Make a list of emergency phone numbers and keep them handy in case of any emergencies.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your home is prepared and ready for your bernedoodle puppy's arrival. With some patience and dedication, you'll be able to raise a happy and well-adjusted bernedoodle who will bring joy to your life for years to come.


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