So, you want a puppy, but your spouse said no!

Are you a bernedoodle enthusiast and you're dying to bring a bernedoodle puppy into your family, but your spouse is hesitant to take on the responsibility of a new furry companion? Don't worry, we've got you covered with some humorous tips for persuading your spouse to let you get a bernedoodle puppy:

  1. Use the "replacement child" argument: If your spouse is worried about the time and energy required to care for a puppy, remind them that a bernedoodle puppy can be like a replacement child. They'll be so excited about the prospect of having a new "baby" to take care of that they'll forget all about the actual responsibilities of puppy ownership.

  2. Play the "it's for the kids" card: If you have kids, remind your spouse that a bernedoodle puppy can be a great addition to the family. You can argue that a bernedoodle puppy will teach your kids responsibility and provide them with a loyal companion. Just don't forget to remind your spouse that they'll be the one doing most of the work.

  3. Threaten to get a cat: If your spouse is really resistant to the idea of a bernedoodle puppy, try threatening to get a cat instead. They'll quickly realize that a bernedoodle puppy is the lesser of two evils.

  4. Offer to do all the work: If your spouse is worried about the time and effort required to care for a bernedoodle puppy, offer to take on all the responsibilities yourself. Just make sure you're prepared to follow through on your offer, because bernedoodles do require a lot of attention and care.

  5. Bribe them with gifts: Everyone has a price, and sometimes that price is a new pair of shoes or a fancy dinner out. Bribe your spouse with their favorite treats and they might be more willing to let you bring a bernedoodle puppy into your family.

In conclusion, convincing your spouse to let you get a bernedoodle puppy may require some creative thinking and a little bit of humor. Use the "replacement child" argument, play the "it's for the kids" card, threaten to get a cat, offer to do all the work, or bribe them with gifts to persuade your spouse to let you bring a bernedoodle puppy into your family. Good luck!


10 things to consider before purchasing a puppy


How often does a Mini Sheepadoodle need to be groomed.